One step at a time
I'm learning to fly.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SIFF '08, Michael and Lincoln

Congrats to Michael Tay, Wet Season(SSSSS)!!
He's on today's papers (and named on yesterday's) if you havent seen it. Winner of Special Jury Prize of SIFF'08.

Of course, Lincoln (his Love me Love my Dogs) deserves as much applause for being nominated for the silver screens.

Some say its a stepping stone, some say this might be a turning point, but whatever it is, moving forward is great news. So honoured to say they are my classmates.


for those you dont really know SIFF, just has to know that it's an international film festival that is organised by singapore, its really prestigious for filmmakers from around the world (especially SEA). Its like the singapore version of cannes film fest. and do remember to support the SIFFs to come! Local works are not as bad as many think, and they really deserve a round of applause for trying even when so few are supporting. Every work deserves a clap for the hardwork put into it.

to singapore.. to trying to become the hub of almost everything. lol.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

happiness generator

wondering about myself..

about my insensitivity. ability to hurt. and incapability.

then remembering tuesdays.
when life reflects, i've spent a minute being unhappy.
wasted a minute of happiness.

and then i hope there is a god or whoever above whom i could ask,
"can i share a bit of my happiness with those around me?"

if a minute of unhappiness meant a minute of happiness all my loved ones, it wouldn't be a waste at all.

wondering about myself..

taking things easy. smiling almost all the time. happiness generator.

how can i share it?

Live life to it's fullest.
Believe and it will be.
Simply. Shiqi.


layout by Jacquelyn
Icon by Photobucket